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On Air

Michael Maze


Best quality : I’d like to say I’m humble…But, saying it’s my BEST quality is sort of an oxymoron

Favorite season : I’m really a big fan of the CHANGE of seasons

My favorite hobby : Almost anything with my daughter…ALMOST anything 🙂

Favorite place to relax: My cottage in BEAUTIFUL Lake George NY

Favorite food: I love food…Can I just say my favorite PERSON is the Food Network’s Giada De Laurentiis

Favorite dessert : Chocolate…ANYTHING chocolate if you’re thinking of sending me something LOL

The one thing I would change about humanity: I think we need to live a little more like a John Lennon song

What I enjoy the most: Music, Art, Theater

Favorite color: Purple

Favorite Television show: Scrubs, Curb your enthusiasm, SMASH, Modern Family, and old school Nickelodeon shows (I promise I watch with my daughter)

I’m mostcomfortable: sleeping

Why am I a DJ?: Because I am just too good looking for television

If I could stalk oneceleb who would it be?: What do you mean “IF”

Craziest thing I ever did: I have to ask my attorney about the statute of limitations and get back to you

Something not many people know about me: see previous answer

My most unusual job: I made shoes…It’s true, my family owned a shoe company that produced shoes for companies like Minnetonka

Most proud of : My daughter Jillian
